Sunday 20 July 2014

Subak: Tradisional irrigation system of Balinese

Subak is a water management system, rice cultivation, terracing application in the area of ​​traditional rice fields in Bali. Subak include activities in agricultural planning, regulation, cooperation, and religion, this regulatory system to understand that water is a resource that is so complex that it must be managed as a whole. Traditionally it has been run by the management of network "water temple" that has been separated from the region and jointly managed.

Subak is one of the cultural landscape owned island of Bali, the system is said to be one of the cultural landscape because of the linkages between irrigation management, traditional beliefs, and social organization. The ceremony is always involved early sowing, seed dispersal, to harvesting, including farmers jointly invoke the good harvest and protected from pests and diseases.

Now there are 1546 Subak Sawah and 799 Subak Abian in Bali (Erviani 2009). There are two types of Subak in Bali namely Subak sawah and Subak Subak Abian. Subak Rice usually most of the area is used for rice cultivation and Subak Abian most of its territory is used for the cultivation of dry crops such as coconut, coffee, and some other plants.

This system usually becomes attraction for tourist. Result to this system can be represented as field rice landform. The beautiful field rice that very famous in Bali located at Tabanan. Balinese people called that placed Jatiluwih. Name Jatiluwih came from two basic forms, “Jati” and “Luwih”. Jati mean really or proved, and “luwih” mean good or beauty. From that word, Jatiluwih mean beauty place or place that has very good view.
IDA Tour and Transport provide package tour to Jatiluwih. In that area tourist can enjoy the view and landform of very beautiful field rice. Tourist also can try exploring this area by tracking activity. If you wanted to visit this place...lets trip with IDA Tour and Transport. 

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